Prof. Dr. Mesut Çetin

Hipnoz, Travma, Çoğul Kişilik ile ilgili Kaynaklar

1. Nemiah JC: Dissociative disorders (hysterical neuroses, dissociative type), in Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, 5th, Edited by Kaplan Hl, Sadock BJ. Baltimore, William: Wilkins, 1989

2. Butler, L. D.; Duran, R. E. F.; Jasiukaitis, P.; Koopman, C. & Spiegel, D.. Hypnotizability and traumatic experience: a diathesis- stress model of dissociative symptomatology. Am J Psychiatry, 1997:153, 42-63.

3. Janet P: The Major Symptoms of Hysteria. London, 1907 - Macmillan Publishing

4. Putnam FW: Pierre Janet and modern views of dissociation Trauma Stress 1989; 2:413-29

5. Hilgard ER: Divided Consciousness: Multiple Controls in Human Thought and Action. New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1977

6. Kihlstrom JF: Conscious, subconscious, unconscious: a cognitive perspective, in The Unconscious Reconsidered. Edited Bowers KS, Meichenbaum D. New York, John Wiley & Sons,1984

7. Kluft RP: Treatment of multiple personality disorder: a study 33 cases. Psychiatr Clin North Am. 1984;7:9-29.

8.Schenck CH, Milner DM, Hurwitz TD, Bundlie SR, Mahov MW: Dissociative disorders presenting as somnambulism: P somnographic, video and clinical documentation (8 cases). Dissociation 1989; 2:194-204

9. Coons PM, Milstein V: Self-mutilation associated with dissoctive disorders. Dissociation 1990; 3:81-7

10. Spiegel D, Cardena E: New uses of hypnosis in the treatment posttraumatic stress disorder. J Clin Psychiatry 1990; 51 ( suppl):S39-S43

11. Terr LC: Childhood traumas: an outline and overview. Am J Psychiatry 1991; 148:10-20

12. Cardena E: Trance and possession as dissociative disorder. Transcultural Psychiatr Research Rev 1992; 29:287-300

13. McCallum KE, Lock J, Kulla M, Rorty M, Wetzel RD: Dissociative symptoms and disorders in patients with eating disorders. Dissociation 1992; 5:227-35

14. Koopman C, Classen C, Cardena E, Spiegel D: When disastes, acute stress disorder may follow. J Trauma Stress 1995; 8:29-46

15. Spiegel D, Detrick D, Frischholz E: Hypnotizability and psychopathology. Am J Psychiatry 1982; 145:431-7

16. Spiegel D, Hunt T, Dondershine HE: Dissociation and hypnotizability in posttraumatic stress disorder. Am J Psychiatry 1988; 145:301-5

17. Covino NA, Jimerson DC, Wolfe BE, Franko DL, Frankel Hypnotizability, dissociation, and bulimia nervosa. J Abnorm Psychol 1994; 103:455-59

18. Frankel FH: Hypnotizability and dissociation. Am J Psychiatry 1990; 147:823-29

19. Spiegel D, Cardena E: Disintegrated experience: the dissociative disorders revisited. J Abnorm Psychol 1991; 100:366-78

20. Nemiah JC: Dissociative disorders, in Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, 4th ed, vol 1. Ed. Kaplan HI, Sac BJ. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1985

21. Spiegel D: The use of hypnosis in the treatment of PTSD. Psychiatry Med 1992; 10:21-30

22. Spiegel D: Hypnosis, dissociation, and trauma: hidden and o observers, in Repression and Dissociation: Implications Personality Theory, Psychopathology, and Health. Ed. Singer JL. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1990

23. Frischholz EJ: The relationship among dissociation, hypnosis and child abuse in the development of multiple personality order, in Childhood Antecedents of Multiple Personaliry. Ed by Kluft RP. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Press 1985,

24. Semiz ÜB, Başoğlu C, Ebrinç S, Ergün BM, Noyan CO, Çetin M:Sınır kişilik bozukluğu hastalarında vücut dismorfik bozukluğu, travma ve disosiyasyon: Bir önçalışma Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bülteni 2005; 15:65-70

25. Ebrinç S, BaşoğluC, Semiz ÜB, Çetin M Bedenine zarar veren sınır kişilik bozukluğu hastalarında disosiyasyon, hipnoza yatkınlık ve çocukluk çağı cinsel kötüye kullanım Psikiyatri Psikoloji Psikofarmakoloji (3P) Dergisi 2001; 9:377-86

26. Semiz ÜB, Erbinç S, Çetin M, Narin Y, Özgüven MA Dissosiyatif kimlik bozukluğu hastalarında 99mTc HMPAO SPECT incelemesinde bölgesel bölgesel beyin kan akımı değişiklikleri Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bülteni 2000; 10:176-81

27. Orne MT: The nature of hypnosis: artifact and essence. J Norm Soc Psychol 1959; 58:277-99

28. Heatherton TF, Baumeister RF: Binge eating as escape from awareness. Psychol Bull 1991; 110:86-108

29. Breuer J, Freud S: Studies on Hysteria (1895) Complete Psychological Works, standard ed, vol 2. London Hogarth Press, 1955

30. Spiegel H, Spiegel D: Trance and Treatment: Clinical Use Hypnosis. 2nd edition.Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Press, 2004

31. Bliss EL: Multiple personalities: a report of 14 cases with in cations for schizophrenia and hysteria. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1980; 37:1388-97

32. Bliss EL: Spontaneous self-hypnosis in multiple personality order. Psychiatr Clin North Atn 1984; 7:135-148

33. Frischholz EJ, Braun BG, Lipman LS, Sachs R: Suggested hypnotic amnesia in psychiatric patients and normals. Am J Hypn 1992; 35:29-39

34. Frischholz EJ, Lipman LS, Braun BG, Sachs RG: Psychopathology, hypnotizability, and dissociation. Am J Psychiatry 1992;149:1521-25

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36. Morgan AH: The heritability of hypnotic susceptibilities in twins. J Abnorm Psychol 1973; 82:55-61

37. Morgan AH, Hilgard ER: Age differences in susceptibility hypnosis. Int J Clin Exp Hypn 1973; 21:78-85

38. Spiegel D: Multiple personality as a post-traumatic stress disorder. Psychiatr Clin North Am 1984; 7:101-10

39. Marmar CR, Weiss DS, Schlenger WE, Fairbank JA, Jordan Kulka RA, Hough RL: Peritraumatic dissociation and posttraumatic stress in male Vietnam theater veterans. Am J Psychiatry 1994; 151:902-07

40. Braun BG, Sachs RG: The development of multiple personality disorder: predisposing, precipitating, and perpetuating factors in childhood antecedents of multiple personality disorder. Ed. Kluft RP. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Press 1985, pp 38-64

41. Kihlstrom JF, Glisky ML, Angiulo MJ: Dissociative tender and dissociative disorder. J Abnorm Psychol 1994; 103:117-24

42. Spiegel H: The Grade 5 Syndrome: the highly hypnotizable son. Int J Clin Exp Hypn 1974; 22:303-19

43. Green BL: Psychosocial research in traumatic stress: an update. J Trauma Stress 1994; 7:341-62

44. Coons PM, Milstein V: Psychosexual disturbances in multipersonality: characteristics, etiology, and treatment. J Clin Psychiatry 1986; 47:106-10

45. Branscomb LP: Dissociation in combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder. Dissociation 1991; 4:13-20

46. Spiegel D, Koopman C, Classen C: Acute stress disorder dissociation. Australian J Clin Experimental Hypnosis 1994; 22:11-23

47. Rothbaum BO, Foa EB, Riggs DS, Murdock T, Walsh W: A prospective examination of post-traumatic stress disorder in rape victims. J Trauma Stress 1992; 5:455-75

48. Hilgard JR: Personality and Hypnosis: A Study of Imaginative Involvement. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1970

49. Nash MR, Lynn SJ: Child abuse and hypnotic ability. Imagination, Cognition, and Personality 1986; 5:211-18

50. Chu JA, Dill DL: Dissociative symptoms in relation to childhood physical and sexual abuse. Am J Psychiatry 1990; 147: 887-92

51. Shor RE, Orne MT, O'Connell DN: Validation and cross-validation of a scale of self-reported personal experiences which predicts hypnotizability. J Psychol 1962; 53:55-75

52. Spiegel H: The dissociation-association continuum. J Nerv Ment Dis 1963; 136:374-76

53. Bernstein EM; Putnam FW: Development, reliability, and validity of a dissociation scale. J Nerv Ment Dis 1986; 174:727-35

54. Schacter D: Understanding implicit memory: a cognitive neuroscience approach. Am Psychol 1992; 47:559-69

55. Şar V,Yargıç L I, Tutkun H:Structured interview data on 35 cases of DID in Turkey. Am J Psychiatry 1996;153:1329-33.

56. Jordan I: An introduction to linear algebra in parallel distributed processing, in Parallel Distributed Processing, vol 1. Eds.McClelland JL, Rumelhart DE. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press, 1986, pp 365-422

57. Li D, Spiegel D: A neural network model of dissociative disorders. Psychiatr Annals 1992; 22:144-47

58. Rumelhart DE, Smolensky P, McClelland JL, Hinton GE: Schemata and sequential thought processes in PDP models, in Parallel Distributed Processing, vol 2. Edited by McClelland JL, Rumelhart DE. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press, 1986, pp 7-57

59. McClelland JL, Rumelhart DE: Amnesia and distributed memory, in Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition, vol 2. Eds.McClelland JL, Rumelhart DE, Group PR. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press, 1986, pp 503-27

60. Bryant RA, McConkey KV: Hypnotic blindness: a behavioral and experiential analysis. J Abnorm Psychol 1989; 98:71-7

61. Nemiah JC: Dissociation, conversion, and somatization, in American Psychiatric Press Review of Psychiatry, vol 10. Eds.Tasman A, Goldfinger SM. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Press, 1991, pp 248-260

62.Spiegel D, Fink R: Hysterical psychosis and hypnotizability. Am Psychiatry 1979; 136:777-81

63. Van Dyck R, Hoogduin K: Hypnosis and conversion disorders. Am J Psychother 1989; 43:480-93

64. Kolb LC, Mutalipassi LR: The conditioned emotional response: a sub-class of the chronic and delayed post-traumatic stress disorder. Psychiatr Annals 1982; 12:979-87

65. Brockway S: Case report: flashback as a post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom in a World War II veteran. Mil Med 1988;153:372-73

66. Stutman RK, Bliss EL: Posttraumatic stress disorder, hypnotizability, and imagery. Am J Psychiatry 1985; 142:741-743

67. Brose WG, Spiegel D: Neuropsychiatric aspects of pain management, in Textbook of Neuropsychiatry. Eds.Yudofsky SC, Hales RE. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Press, 1993, pp 245-275

68. Hilgard ER, Hilgard JR: Hypnosis in the Relief of Pain. Los Altos, CA, William Kaufman, 1975

69. Spiegel D: Hypnosis in the treatment of victims of sexual abuse. Psychiatr Clin North Am 1989; 12:295-305

70. Koopman C, Classen C, Spiegel D: Predictors of posttraumatic stress symptoms among survivors of the Oakland/Berkeley, Calif., firestorm. Am J Psychiatry 1994; 151:888-94

71. Gardner DL, Cowdry RW: Suicidal and parasuicidal behavior in borderline personality disorder. Psychiatr Clin North Am 1985; 8:389-403

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73. Wineburg E, Straker N: An episode of acute, self-limiting depersonalization following a first session of hypnosis. Am J Psychiatry 1973; 130:98-100

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76. Smyser C:H, Baron DA: Hypnotizability, absorption, and subscales of the dissociative experiences scale in a nonclinical population. Dissociation 1993; 6:42-6

77. Kihlstrom JR: The cognitive unconscious. Science 1987; 237: 1445-52

78. Spiegel D: Hypnosis: brain basis in Neuroseience Year: Supplement 2 to the Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. Eds. Smith B, Adelman G. New York, Birkhauser Boston, 1992, pp 75-7

79. Fenwick P: Somnambulism and the law: a review. Behavioral Sciences & The Law 1987; 5:343-57

80. Maldonado JR, Spiegel D: The treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder, in Dissociation: Clinical and Theoretical Perspectives. Eds. Lynn SJ, Rhue JW. New York, Guilford Press, 1994, pp 215-41

81. Titchener JL, Kapp FT: Family and character change at Buffalo Creek. Am J Psychiatry 1976; 133:295-99

82. Horowitz MJ: Stress Response Syndromes. New York, Jason Aronson,1986

83. Ross C: Multiple Personality Disorder: Diagnosis Clinical Features, and Treatment. New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1989

84. Putnam FW: The Diagnosis and Treatment of Multiple Personality Disorder. New York, Guilford, 1989

85. Kluft RP: Multiple personality disorder, in American Psychiatric Press Review of Psychiatry, vol 10. Eds. Tasman A, Goldfinger SM. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Press, 1991; pp 161-88

86. Nemiah JC: Dissociative disorders in Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, 3rd ed. Eds. Freedman AM, Kaplan HI. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1981, pp 1544-61

87. Loftus EF: Eyewitness Testimony. Cambridge, Mass, Harvard University Press, 1979

88. Spiegel D: Hypnosis and suggestion, in Memory Distortion. Ed. Schacter D. Cambridge, Mass, Harvard University Press, 1995, pp 129-49

89. Hilgard ER, Cooper LM: Spontaneous and suggested posthypnotic amnesia. Int J Clin Exp Hypn 1965; 13:261-73

90. Kihlstrom JF, Evans FJ, Orne EC, Orne MT: Attempting to breach posthypnotic amnesia. J Abnorm Psychol 1980; 89:603-16

91. Loewenstein RJ: Psychogenic amnesia and psychogenic fugue: a comprehensive review, in American Psychiatric Press Review of Psychiatry, vol10. Eds. Tasman A, Goldfinger SM. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Press, 1991, pp 189-222

92. Cardena E, Spiegel D: Dissociative reactions to the Bay Area earthquake. Am J Psychiatry 1993; 150:474-78

93. Briere J, Conte J: Selfreported amnesia for abuse in adults molested as children. J Trauma Stress 1993; 6:21-31

94. Freud S: New Introductory Lectures on Psycho-analysis, and Other Works (1932-1936): Complete Psychological Works, standard ed, vol 22. London, Hogarth Press, 1964

95. Williams L: Recall of childhood trauma: a prospective study of women's memories of child sexual abuse. J Consult Clin Psychol 1994; 62:1167 176

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97. Feldman-Summers S, Pope KS: The experience of "forgetting" childhood abuse: a national survey of psychologists. J Consult Clin Psychol 1994; 62:636-39

98. Loftus EF, Polonsky S, Fullilove MT: Memories of childhood sexual abuse: Remembering and repressirıg. Psychology of Women Quarterly 1994; 18:67-84

99. Loftus EF: The reality of repressed memories. Am Psychol 1993; 48:518-37

100. Brown D: Pseudomemories: the standard of science and the standard of care in trauma treatment. Am J Clin Hypn 1995; 37:1-24

101. Bremner JD, Steinberg M, Southwick SM, Johnson DR Charney DS: Use of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Dissociative Disorders for systematic assessment of dissociative symptoms in posttraumatic stress disorder. Am J Psychiatry 1993; 150:1011- 14

102. Spiegel D, Cardena E: Dissociative mechanisms in posttraumatic stress disorder, in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Etiology, Phenomenology, and Treatment. Eds. Wolf ME, Mosnaim AD. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Press, 1990, pp 22-34

103. Laurence JR, Perry C: The "hidden observer" phenomenon in hypnosis: some additional findings. J Abnorm Psychol 1981; 90:334-44

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